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Looking for a General Practitioner (GP) in Ponsonby?

Look no further! Our boutique practice is now accepting new patients. We pride ourselves on being a friendly and approachable medical practice. All of our doctors are highly qualified and experienced, with at least 10 years of experience in different medical and surgical specialties.

We offer a range of services including primary health care, as well as accident and urgent medical care on both an appointment and walk-in basis. For your convenience, we also provide telehealth services.

Our mission is to provide personalised and high-quality healthcare services to you and your whanau. You can rest assured that you are in safe hands with our team.

We are committed to providing excellent medical care, and we look forward to assisting you with your health needs. Whether it's a routine check-up or a medical emergency, we are here to help.

Blog author

알렉스 루이스 헨리 박사, MD

의장 겸 이사
Now Accepting Enrolments!