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폰손비 닥터스

Open every weekday, Saturdays and some public holidays, we provide primary health care and accident & urgent care services in Ponsonby, in Auckland's CBD.

We also offer online virtual healthcare services, by video or phone call.

우리를 방문하십시오

스킨 클리닉

Need rapid attention that can't wait?

The doctors in our urgent care clinic are all skilled and experienced in dealing with all types of urgent medical care, "everything and anything" that comes in through the door.

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Skin Health Clinic

We offer a full range of skin health services.

Mole and wart removal, skin checks, and cosmetic surgery.

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Sexual Health Clinic

PrEP, STI checks, Feminine Health and more at our Sexual Health Clinic.

Protect yourself and your partner today at Ponsonby Doctors.

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Wellness & Mental Health Clinic

Anxiety and depression treatments, general wellbeing checks, and corporate screenings at Ponsonby Doctors.

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General Health Clinic

Ponsonby Doctors offers highly trained professionals to cater towards your needs.

Medical certificates, vaccinations, telehealth, home visit services, and more.

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Cosmetic Skin Clinic

A full range of skin services and cosmetic medicine.

ResurFX, Radiesse, Sunekos, Dermal Filler Treatments, and much more.

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Immigration Clinic

A wide range of on-site equipment ensures your immigration medicals are completed efficiently.

Full NZ Immigration services and Emigration services to select countries.

닥터 위드 레코드
Doctor With Record
서브 타이틀 아이콘

우리에 대해

우리 팀

저희는 폰손비에 본사를 둔 작고 친절한 부티크 매장입니다.

Our team of local doctors are all highly skilled and trained in providing general medical and urgent care services. We have at least ten year's of experience each caring for patients across various medical centres and surgical fields.

We aim to deliver high-quality, personalised local doctors medical care experience for you and your whanau, in an empathetic, caring, and professional manner. We are city doctors conveniently located near you.

We look forward to meeting you and helping with your medical needs.
  • 뉴질랜드 전문 의료진
  • 1차 진료 실습
  • 사고 및 경미한 사고에 대한 응급 치료
  • 예약에 의한 당일 방문
  • 간편한 온라인 예약
  • 온라인 상담 가능
  • 휴일 시간 이용 가능
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서브 타이틀 아이콘

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서브 타이틀 아이콘

최신 기사

서던 크로스 이지-클레임
뉴질랜드 화장품 의학 협회
서브 타이틀 아이콘

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